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Driven by curiosity 


I've always been driven by a desire to understand and connect with the people around me.


This curiosity led me to study languages and has fuelled a 20-year career in communications, engagement and culture change as well as stints living and working in Spain, France and the UK.


The same curiosity led me to qualify as a coach, at Henley Business School, and to help others more effectively communicate, connect and effect positive change.


Drawing on experience


In my career, I've led the development and implementation of global communications strategies, delivered successful change programmes and helped build alignment behind strategy.


In my coaching, I also draw on my experience of leading and working as part of high-performing, multi-cultural teams. I am licensed to use the International Readiness Check to help assess and develop intercultural effectiveness.


My starting point is to help clients build greater self awareness, everything else flows from there. 


Striking a balance


When I'm not coaching, I lead efforts to make research culture healthier, more sustainable and inclusive at one of the world's leading universities. Ultimately, helping both our research and research community to thrive.


But my most important role is as mum to an inquisitive and independent seven-year old, who I hope I'm raising with an appreciation of her multicultural roots.


Find out more about me on LinkedIn.



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